Merit Badges at Camp Linus

At Camp Linus, the scouts earn Merit Badges (also called Leadership Badges). Across the top of the badge it says, "Camp Linus Leadership Badge." Across the bottom are our Camp Rules and Motto: Be Safe. Be Kind. Be Productive.

Earning a Merit Badge isn't easy. The scout must earn 10 stickers on the badge before the badge is awarded. Once completed, the student is recognized as a leader in that particular skill.

Some of the Merit Badges we are earning at Camp Linus include:
  • Hallway
  • D.E.A.R. Time
  • Independent Worker
  • Attentive Listening
  • Transitions
  • Citizenship
Once a Merit Badge is earned, it is
Here is a picture of all the Citizenship Merit Badges from 2001-2002!

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