Colin is our Scout of the Week because he consistently demonstrates a respect for others, and a sense of responsibility.
Colin knows that the first graders look up to the third graders as being role models. Our class buddies up with Miss Hover's first graders on Friday afternoon and reads to them. This week our class helped Miss Hover's first graders go through the Halloween Centers during their gym time. Colin took his responsibility as a role model seriously.
Colin put forth his best effort this week with a great attitude. In addition, Colin is making a valiant effort to change the way he holds a pencil so writing will be easier. By third grade, the brain is used to holding a pencil in a certain way, and it doesn't want to change. Even so, Colin is persevering. He is using a special pencil grip at school, and at home, that is helping his brain learn a new way of holding a pencil. Colin's patience is shining through.
Colin is always ready to share a new perspective to a situation, and he always has a smile for everyone. He finds life to be interesting, and learning new things to be exciting… especially when it's about sharks!
Congratulations Colin!