Are you ready for an amazing coincidence? It was Tuesday, October 16th at 2:40 p.m. President Bush was at a Red Cross event at an elementary school in Washington , D.C. As President Bush had requested of all the children in America, the students had each brought in one dollar to help the children in Afghanistan. Surrounded by students holding up their dollar bills, President Bush says, "We should have a merit badge for this!" On that very morning, Miss Camp had introduced the Citizenship Merit Badge to Camp Linus.
Unlike the other merit badges being earned by the scouts at Camp Linus, the Citizenship Merit Badge is earned by completing 10 separate items:
- Make an American flag (done)
- Make a picture card for the firemen and rescue workers in NY City (done on Sept. 14)
- Draw a picture of American Pride (ideas of class included: White House, Statue of Liberty, Bald Eagle, Dollar Bill with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Mount Rushmore, Yankee Stadium, border of stars and stripes)
- Write the Pledge of Allegiance and illustrate
- Poem about FREEDOM
- Write a letter to President Bush
- Think of one thing you can do to make a difference in this world.
- Perform one act of community service (i.e. rake leaves for a neighbor, pick up trash by side of road, make cookies for a neighbor - must be okayed and supervised by a parent).
- Wear Red, White, and Blue on Tuesday, October 23, 2001.
- Bring in the One Dollar for the children of Afghanistan as requested by President Bush.
When the merit badges have been earned, the letters to President Bush, the dollars, and photocopies of the completed merit badges will be sent to President Bush at the White House. The scouts at Camp Linus are proud to be Americans, and believe in the freedom for which America stands.