At Camp Linus, we read two books about Veterans Day:
Veterans Day by Mir Tamim Ansary |
The Wall by Eve Bunting |
As we read these books, we learned that a veteran is anyone who has been or is in the armed forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard).
We also learned about the meaning of...
Peace |
Peace is when people and countries are getting along. They aren't fighting with each other. |
Liberty |
Liberty is when one is free to make his/her own choices. |
Honor |
To honor someone or something is to remember and respect that person or thing as being special and important. On Veterans Day, we have a moment of silence to honor peace and to honor the veterans. |
Democracy |
A country is a democracy when all the adults get to vote on what the laws, and who the leaders, of the country will be. The majority (most votes) win. |
Vote |
When there is a choice to be made between different options, a vote is when one person says which option he/she wants. Whichever option has the most votes is the one that most people want, and so that one wins. |
Elect |
People elect the person who gets the most votes. Elect means "choose to be the winner." |
Dictator |
A dictator is the leader of a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, people don't have a voice in how the country is run. The dictator doesn't care what the people want. In a dictatorship, people don't get to vote. They can't choose who their leader will be or what the laws will be. The dictator makes any rules and laws that he/she wants. |
We learned that Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day, and that it was started by President Woodrow Wilson on the day that World War 1 ended (November 11, 1918). Armistice means "to stop fighting."
Every year, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (November 11th at 11 a.m.), there are 2 minutes of silence to honor all of the veterans who have given or risked their lives so that we may have peace and freedom in our lives.
We talked about how there are some people in the world who don't want anyone to ever have peace and freedom. They are like bullies. They just want to keep fighting and ordering people around. They won't stop unless good people find them and make them stop. In war, we are finding and stopping those bullies so that they won't be able to keep hurting people.